Monday, November 24, 2014

Resolution season is here!!

The holidays are quickly approaching and with that comes family gatherings, busy schedules and lots of food. This is also the time that people start looking at making new years resolutions. You hear things like "I would start exercising now but the holidays are so busy." and every other excuse they can think of and that is one of the biggest reasons resolutions fail.

There are  tons of reasons why you shouldn't start getting active and eating healthy and all those reasons are just excuses...nothing more. With the exception of major health issues, everyone can do one thing to start living a healthier life even if its small at first. Take ten minutes each night to go for a walk. Instead of eating that candy bar, try an apple or piece of fruit. Put down the soda, coffee and tea and drink water instead. Add one new thing each month and you will be amazed at how easily you can see big results with little changes. Find friends and family members that are wanting to do the same thing and team up with them to help keep you motivated and to help hold you accountable. Set short and long term goals that you can measure easily and celebrate to keep you on point.

Also keep in mind that its not an all or nothing kind of thing. So you missed going to the gym 2 days this week, big deal. Who cares if  yesterday you ate a few more calories than you were scheduled to, just get back on track tomorrow.  Everyone has things come up or has a moment of weakness no matter how long they have been doing it. The secret is to limit those to moments and not make them a way of life.

So, no more saying "I'm going to start that after the holidays" or "I'll do this when there is more time". You can either make excuses or you can make changes. Get off your butt and get out there! Now is just as good of a time as any and just think how much farther along you will be when the new year actually gets here.

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