Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Life lessons from long runs

When I started running I expected to get sore, to lose some extra weight, and to possible gain some self confidence and a sense of accomplishment. I never though I would learn an important lesson about life. It was on a long run, when I was really struggling and bashing myself for not doing as well as I had hoped that I realized that this is only one run and I will have many many more in my life and at least one of them will be better than this one so why worry and complain. Just knuckle down and get through it!

Life is not a straight, level road. You don't travel at one speed nice and easy through it.  There are bumps and hills (at times some damn big ones). You don't set a personal best every you go out for a run. Sometimes you have a really bad day and it feels like you've never ran before.  When that happens we write it off as a bad day and know we can try again tomorrow but we don't seem to do that in life.When we hit a bump in the road of life, we tend to feel like all is lost. This is the worst day ever so therefore my life is over.....but its really not. Its just like a bad run.  You can always try again the next time and, if that one is bad too, you can try again........again.

I have been through a tough time recently and, I have to be honest, have struggled with being angry and bitter.  I haven't always remembered that there is usually another chance to do better or to have a better day.  I guess we can't always be optimistic and upbeat huh?

I'm sure in over romanticizing running but I don't really care. Running and exercising in any form have really helped me get through this tough time and see that shit happens and we can get over it and that's exactly what I plan to do every day from here on out!

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