Friday, October 3, 2014

Newbies will be newbies

Those of you who have known me for a long time already know this about me......I absolutely have to know everything there is to know about something once I get started on it. When I got started in fishing, it wasn't enough for me to buy a fishing rod and tackle, I had to know how to be able to make them and its been that way with everything. Its kind of a nerdy thing but its what I do and so when I got started with cycling it was no different.

I was given a bike so I didn't get to research that to death but I did read countless articles and watch hours of videos about getting the perfect fit before I had the chance to get it professionally fitted. I read everything I could find about how to ride in a group and by myself. Watched tons of videos to get tips and pointers about climbing hills like a pro and various other topics. Then it came time to move into clip-less pedals. So, me being me, I watched videos and read about which ones to get, how to install them and set them up, and, most importantly, how to get out of them so you don't fall.

Everything I came across said that you WILL fall while getting used to the new pedals.  Everyone WILL fall???? well I am certainly not everyone and I will not fall.  I got my pedals, installed them on my bike and set up the cleats on the shoes.  I then sat on my bike in the living room after my little one was asleep and practiced clipping in and out with each foot for an hour or so while watching TV.  I felt very confident in my ability to clip in and release after my practice session and I was excited to try them in the real world!

The next day, after Allie was at daycare, I took my bike out for my maiden voyage into the world of clip-less pedals. I rode circles around the parking lot for about 10 minutes clipping in and out with each foot the whole time.  Now it was time to actually stop.  I approached a part of the parking lot with a curb and slowed down to give me plenty of time to react. I un-clipped my right foot, slowed  and came to a smooth stop and firmly planted my foot.  I did it!!! my first stop and I didn't fall!!! I got so excited that I leaned a little too far the other way, lost my balance and fell on my left side. I stood up, picked up my bike and looked around to see if anyone else saw me. Oh well, at least I got that out of the way early.

So I guess "they" are right.  Everyone falls while getting used to the new pedals and I am no exception but at least it gave me a funny story to tell people and it will help keep me from getting too serious about this new hobby!

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