Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Making mountains out of mole hills or......that mountain ain't no hill!

Today I have found my next goal/hurdle with cycling.  I attempted to ride up and over Paris Mountain. Big emphasis on attempt!  I made it half way up but by that time my legs were shot. Never before have I worked so hard to go so slow!

A day or two later I was riding a new route I had found near to my house. It had a good mix of hills that seemed somewhat challenging but enough downhill to be able to recover and it had a lot less traffic than my other routes.  I rode the route in the car first and then on the bike and was pleasantly surprised. Those hills that I was judging to be challenging while in the car really weren't as bad as I thought. Especially not when I compared them to the mountain I tried a few days prior. They got me winded for sure but I could handle them and then position myself for a good transition into the next with out slowing or needing to recover.

I guess its a good thing to have tough situations test you at times. It can really put things into perspective since we all tend to be a little over dramatic and blow thing out of proportion. I know I've been going through some really trying times recently and, at times I remember thinking "can it get any worse" and "I'm not sure I can handle this" but those times passed and somehow I found the strength and determination to handle everything that's been thrown my way so far. You just have to keep pushing and doing your best.

So Paris may have bested me this time but you best believe I will be back to try again and, one day soon, I will be the one who will come out on top!

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